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Breast Augmentation
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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation, also known as Augmentation Mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to increase the size of a patient's breasts. It is commonly referred to as "Boob Job" or "Breast Enlargement Surgery." During this procedure, a plastic surgeon utilizes either saline or silicone implants to enhance the size of the breasts.

Thanks to advancements in medical science and technology, new patients now have the option to choose the type of breast implant that best suits their needs. Each implant type has its own advantages and costs, and the Cosmetic Surgeon will select the most suitable one based on the patient's budget and desired outcome.

Saline Implants - These implants are filled with sterile saltwater, providing the breasts with a consistent shape and size. They are approved by reputable medical bodies such as the FDA in the USA and the IMA for breast augmentation procedures.

Structured Saline Implants - These implants are an upgraded version of regular saline implants, as they also contain sterile saltwater but have a more defined internal structure.

Smooth Silicone Implants - Silicone breast implants are a popular choice for breast augmentation. The silicone gel has a smooth surface that closely resembles natural breast tissue, resulting in a more natural look and feel compared to saline implants.

Textured Silicone Implants - Similar to structured saline implants, textured silicone implants are an advanced version of regular silicone implants. They can be either micro-textured or nano-textured, providing the breasts with a fuller and rounder appearance. These implants are made of cohesive gel, which prevents leakage or flow from the implant shell.

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