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Hair Growth Treatment
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Hair Growth Treatment

PRP : PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp.

Mesotherapy : A popular treatment modality for hair loss is injecting growth factors and essential proteins into the scalp. This is a short duration procedure, no admission required. It is an office procedure with minimum downtime. Minimum 3 sessions at the gap of approximately a month are recommended.

Microneedling: microneedling is a hair loss treatment that uses tiny needles to increase collagen production in the skin. Using a skin roller, this treatment is designed to stimulate new hair growth on the scalp.

LLLT : Laser light therapy (LLLT) is a modern non-surgical hair loss treatment that uses laser light to stimulate cell growth and supercharge hair follicles. It helps to combat hair loss and improve the volume and appearance of hair, with no known side effects.

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